Hello and Welcome to the DD School of Creativity!

Whether you are a writer, an artist, a crafter of someone who is learning to express themselves through creativity I believe you will find a home here.

This school has classes for beginners and advanced. From professionals to those just looking for ways to connect with their creative expression.

The most important thing is that I am here to assist and help you as you take these courses. The online platform makes it so convenient to take these courses on your own in your own time but you are never alone. If you have questions or concerns you can reach out to me directly and I personally will respond. I am so excited to get creating together!

Simple Steps
Taken Little and Often
Lead to Beautiful Rhythms

Book Making

Learning how to make your own journals for writing and art making is a very exciting prospect. You can create journals to meet your specific needs while also expressing yourself in the process

Journal Writing

Journal writing is much more than the "Dear Diary" of our youth. Putting pen to paper helps us think more clearly, identify patterns as well as set and maintain goals

Art Journals & Mixed Media

Working in your art journal, creating a daily practice of making art can be a powerful shift in your life. Beginning with a layer, adding some mixed media you can begin to find your artist's voice.

Hi, I’m Michele

I am a writer, artist and creative collaborator. I have been making and sharing my creativity online for almost 20 years focusing on inspiring others to embrace their innate creativity and to find their own unique expression. With a primary focus on art journals and mixed media I share my work via my blog as well as my YouTube channel. In addition I share my journey as a beginner miniaturist and avid gardener. All of my creative adventures can be found on my blog DreamingDilettante.com